A Very Great Man Indeed by Henry Reed
Produced by Douglas Cleverdon
Music by Donald Swann
First broadcast - BBC Third Programme on 07.09.1953,
Repeated - "with slight amendments" on 13.02.1958
and 09.09.1959
New production broadcast on 17.05.1961
Repeated 24.12.1968
and 28.12.1987 (in memory of Douglas Cleverdon)
The first of Henry Reed's radio plays about the imaginary writer Richard Shewin.
Shewin's friend the "lady music writer" Hilda Tablet only played a small part in this first play but soon took over the series.
The Cast[]
Cast of 1953 Production
- Herbert Reeve.....................Hugh Burden
- Stephen Shewin.................Carleton Hobbs
- Connie Shewin (his wife).....Gwen Cherrell
- Hilda Tablet.......................Mary O'Farrell
- Elsa Strauss....................Marjorie Westbury
- Nancy Shewin...................Dorothy Primrose
- Owen Shewin....................Denis Quilley
- Janet Shewin...................Gwen Cherrell
- Brian Shewin...................Wilfred Downing
- George Shewin..................Marjorie Westbury
- Adela Burkley..................Diana Maddox
- Betty Burkely..................Marjorie Westbury
- Valet................................Frank Duncan
- T.H. Powers....................Norman Shelley
- Lady Blackie...................Susan Richmond
- Miss Rich......................Cecile Chevreau
- Milly, Muffy, etc..............Vivienne Chatterton
- Richard Shewin's prose.........Derek Hart
Characters in Richard Shewin's prose:
- Mrs Hepple.....................Mary O'Farrell
- Scutcheon......................Denis Quilley
- Mona Stanmore..................Diana Maddox
- Rosa Stanmore..................Marjorie Westbury
- Grace..........................Diana Maddox
- Father Tippett.................Norman Shelley
Cast of 1961 Production
- Herbert Reeve..................Hugh Burden
- Stephen Shewin.................Carleton Hobbs
- Connie Shewin (his wife).......Gwen Cherrell
- Hilda Tablet...................Mary O'Farrell
- Elsa Strauss...................Marjorie Westbury
- Nancy Shewin...................Dorothy Primrose
- Owen Shewin....................Denis Quilley
- Janet Shewin...................Gwen Cherrell
- Brian Shewin.................. Anthony Reese
- George Shewin..................Marjorie Westbury
- Adela Burkley..................Janette Richer
- Betty Burkely..................Marjorie Westbury
- Valet..........................Frank Duncan
- T.H. Powers....................Norman Shelley
- Lady Blackie...................Susan Richmond
- Miss Rich......................Cecile Chevreau
- Milly, Muffy, etc..............Vivienne Chatterton
Richard Shewin's prose.........Frank Duncan
Characters in Richard Shewin's prose:
- Mrs Hepple.....................Mary O'Farrell
- Scutcheon......................Denis Quilley
- Mona Stanmore..................Janette Richer
- Rosa Stanmore..................Marjorie Westbury
- Grace..........................Janette Richer
- Father Tippett.................Norman Shelley