Audio Drama Wiki
Midwich cuckoos

Cover of retail release

The Midwich Cuckoos by John Wyndham
BBC World Service on 9th, 16th and 23rd December 1982
Repeated on BBC Radio 7
3 x 30 minute episodes


The Midwich Cuckoos - John Wyndham
Dramatised by Dan Rebellato
BBC Radio 4 30.11.2003
Repeated on BBC Radio BBC7 2006
2 x 60 minute episodes

Radio adaptations of the science-fiction novel published in 1957.


An alien force field descends on a rural village and impregnates 64 women.
The resulting children appear to have strange powers

The Cast[]

Cast of the 1982 production

Bernard Westcott..................Charles Kay
Alan Hughes.......................Gordon Dulieu
Angela Zellaby....................Pauline Yates
Chief Constable...................Ronald Baddiley
Dr Ferrelyn.......................Jennie Quayle
Gordon Zellaby....................Manning Wilson
Janet Gayford.....................Rosalind Adams
Richard Gayford...................William Gaunt
Vicar Leebody.....................William Ingram
Willers...........................Hugh Dickson

Cast of the 2003 production

Richard............................Bill Nighy
Janet..............................Sarah Parish
Zellaby............................Clive Merrison
Alan...............................Nicholas R Bailey
Ferelleyn..........................Katherine Tozer
Chief Superintendent Westcot.......Seamus O'Neill
David Pawle........................Lloyd Peters
Miss Lamb..........................Christine Brennan
Reverend Leebody...................Malcolm Raeburn
Miss Ogle..........................Rebecca Bridle
William............................Casey O'Brien
Angela.............................Mariella Brown
Girl...............................Rosie Fleeshman
Boy................................Mat Belshaw

Original Music was composed and performed by Chris Madin.

