Audio Drama Wiki

The Primal Scene, as it were by Henry Reed
Produced by Douglas Cleverdon
Music by Donald Swann
Music provided by Sid Rich
Guitar played by Freddie Phillips

First broadcast BBC Third Programme on 11th March 1958
Repeated 14th March 1958, 8.00 - 9.30 p.m.
Repeated 8th October 1969
Repeated 14th November 1974, produced by Ian Cotterell (new production?)
Repeated BBC Radio 3 on 1st January 1988, in memory of Douglas Cleverdon.

The fifth of Henry Reed's radio plays about the characters surrounding the imaginary writer Richard Shewin. This play takes the cast around the Greek Islands on a yacht.

The Cast[]

  • Hilda Tablet....Mary O'Farrell
  • Herbert Reeve....Hugh Burden
  • Stephen Shewin....Carleton Hobbs
  • Connie Shewin....Gwen Cherrell
  • Nancy Shewin....Dorothy Primrose
  • Owen Shewin....Denis Quilley
  • Brian Shewin....Wilfred Downing
  • George Shewin....Marjorie Westbury
  • Janet Shewin....Gwen Cherrell
  • Evelyn Baxter....Colin Campbell
  • Miffy, Muffy, etc.....Vivienne Chatterton
  • General Gland....Deryck Guyler
  • Venetian Waiter....Frank Duncan
  • Aeschylus Aphanisis....Harold Lang
  • Plankton....Frank Duncan

